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Katherine Wright Desai's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Katherine Wright Desai

Your Mission Accomplished Story
I was struggling with where to go with my practice next and wanted to broaden my reach. This program helped me design several programs and walk me step by step through the process to get it done. I will be using the info and handouts and modules throughout the life of my business over and over to improve and grow in the coming years. I'm deeply grateful for the coaching smaller groups and connections of support I made as a result that have helped me create products and plans for my future business growth I made my $2000 back by week 8 with one of the techniques alone. It had me reconnect with my list and create nee ways of seeing how I can serve my clients in a mich bigger scale. Thank you!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Iterate your way to success and ask clients what they want and deliver what yourd enjoy doing

How did EPM help you become successful?
Showed me exactly how step by step to create a lucrative business and make it fun for my clients and create community for then to succeed.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Got several many products I can now put together to serve my clients using this same process

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I see how to use community and deliver quality without selling my time trading my time for money .....

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Getting it organized and in a platform so I can create the next one

Is there anything else you would like to add?
The getting done small group we created from Coach Uwes group people I met have been I valuable for getting me to do the work . I wasnt complete all the modules its just too much for 12 weeks. I reached mission accomplished even without that .....please advertise the level of time it will take to go through just the materials that are soooo amazing. I'm not done .... I wasnt prepared for 7 hours of time plus all the live calls 5 hours. Its really 12 hours per week that I needed on tip of my practice seeing clients, and home activities. And the holidays I'd recommend same length of time just with half the material. It's really a graduate business course plus plus on steroids.... I will use the materials over and over as I implement and iterate 10,000 thank yous