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Casper Frederiksen's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Casper Frederiksen

I previously bought programs and even gotten value from it, but I've not completed a program like this one before. The Experience Product Masterclass is just different in so many ways. Even in the consumption of the content as I started to get a little addicted to the dopamine release I got from gathering my XP points for watching the training and completing the assignments. I loved everything that was taught here and the fact that I could customize my learning path was just brilliant, so I didn't learn just to learn, but I learned something that I could immediately apply.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
My biggest takeaway I believe is my increase in my confidence. Confidence in myself, confidence in the process, confidence in my ability, confidence in my new programs ability to deliver amazing results, confidence in my students ability to get massive results. In general the biggest take away has been an overall increase in confidence. And the concept iterate your way to awesome which as a lot to do with the confidence increase because its not guess work anymore, it's not luck, it's just me iterating my way to awesome one step at a time.

How did EPM help you become successful?
It helped me realize a way to go from working 1:1 with clients to a 1:few coach session based program that is going to deliver the same amazing results and perhaps an even better experience for the students. Personally I also like this a lot because it will free up so much of my time, so I don't have to work as much to make the same impact. Actually I believe I can have an even greater impact this way since I can take on more clients and I can do it without compromising on the experience or the results that they are getting.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I can have an even greater impact this way since I can take on more clients and I can do it without compromising on the experience or the results that they are getting.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
My confidence has increased significantly during this program. My confidence in myself, in my ability, in my belief about making this a real business. My confidence grew so much so when I was asked what the price of my program was I said $2500 and not $500 as I originally had planned, simply because I just felt like it was worth more after I learned how to create my own experience product.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I'm able to free up so much of my time now that I don't work 1:1 with people, and I don't have to work as much to make the same impact.