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Shari Gilford's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Shari Gilford

"When I attended a webinar for EPM a year ago, I knew it was the right program, but at the time I was in the middle of taking a 9-month certification course in nutrition which was really intense so I knew I wouldn’t be able to invest the time into EPM. I am an avid researcher who looks at all the fine details of anything before spending money and am a bit of a tightwad. So over the past year I checked out about 6 other online courses on “how to create an online course” and kept coming back to EPM. I knew this year would be the right timing for me.
I had ideas for my online nutrition course but nothing started. I knew I didn’t want to do 1:1 client coaching but I love teaching kids with interactive activities, so wanted to do something along that line. I wanted to wait until I was enrolled in EPM because I knew Marisa had the secrets to success and I didn’t want to have to undo missteps later.
All I can say is that over these few months I have learned more than I could have ever expected! Some of my friends who graduated from the same nutrition course are still limping along, trying to figure out how to get online and get clients. I feel I have a huge head start now!
Since I was starting without a mailing list and also did not feel comfortable marketing to my close friends for various reasons, I’m still trying to find people to chatterbox with. So, my mailing list still only has 10 people gained through my survey. But that’s okay. I know I’ll continue to gain momentum in this area.
Despite the fact that my marketing is still slow, I feel so grateful for all I learned and accomplished. I was able to watch most of the video trainings, benefited from all the coaching from Coach Mike and my coaching pod members, learned a lot from all the side-door coaching and tech coaching, and got a huge amount done on my thinking and creating.
My accomplishments: a good course name, a mission statement, Bird’s Eye view and all trainings outlined, a freebie, a sales page (hooked up to an order form in Paypal, and will soon link directly to an Xperiencify payment form), a squeeze page, a survey, my roadmap created, lots of ideas for constant wins and fun, a 1-year Xperiencify plan paid for, and I even finally became a FB user for the first time!
I’ve joined FB groups, generated some interest in what I offer, and have ideas of how to market my product locally which I hope to implement very soon. Apart from EPM, I also registered my business in my state and purchased two domain names, one for my business and one for the course.
My goal is to sell my beta online nutrition course to 15 families by the end of February!
I know without the guidance of Marisa and the entire LYM team I could never have progressed this quickly in getting my business up and running. I know what I learned will serve me for many years, and I’m looking forward to all the great content that LYM will release in the future.
My biggest take-away, as a former perfectionist, is: “Done is better than perfect.” I’ve created everything so much more quickly and with much less agony! It’s my new mantra! Thank you Marisa!!!
And thank you to each of you whose FB posts have encouraged me and spurred me on to my goals. I look forward to seeing everything we all accomplish in the months and years ahead. Keep pedaling!!!!"

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Done is better than perfect. Making a "get started" choice.

How did EPM help you become successful?
It helped me push through my perfectionism and indecision, clarify every aspect of my course, and move me forward very quickly.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I feel like I can do anything I set out to do.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I feel confident that I have something to offer that people want and need. I feel like I have forward momentum in getting my course out the door and changing peoples' lives. My confidence level is really high due to all the encouragement and support of LYM team and everyone on FB.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I believe I can now earn money doing what I love. I have so many course ideas and can't wait to get my first one up and running so I can continue to change peoples' lives! I hope that many children will LOVE my course and it will spread far and wide. And I do hope to make money that will support my husband and myself and help me pay off my mortgage. I believe it's possible!