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Rik Hockley's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Rik Hockley

March of 2020--I had just purchased a house with the goal of moving my parents in, and working towards construction to do so. Two days later-- I was laid off my career were I had worked for 17 and a half yrs! ....COVID!!!

Who could have ever expected that we would experience and live during a pandemic crisis!? What should have been some of the happiest moments of life-goal-accomplishments quickly turned into months of stress and worry and pivoting and adapting just to survive. It cost me a lot more than I would have liked -- but I made it work.

After moving in the summer and taking some time to settle into the house, I then became depressed, lost, almost useless. Reality had set! I had worked my butt off daily nonstop for so so long -- and now I was facing my naked deepest self: ""What was my purpose?"" ""My motivation to get out of bed?"" ""Who am I in this world?"" and most importantly ""What DO I WANT?""

The end of October is when I came across EPM from doing the Profitable Product Idea Challenge. You sucked me into your funnel Marisa-- and I was OK with it! It was nearing the end of the year, and almost all my savings had been spent. I played out multiple scenarios in my head. I always had back-up plans--but now financially I was at the absolute end of my rope. It took much courage but I realized that I was worth investing in myself for once. It is right then and there that I took my last (literally) money that I had in my bank account and happily paid the $2,000 to join in EPM. I knew I was making the right choice and I have not looked back since!

While I sit here today graduating, I have not hit Mission Accomplished. And I am COMPLETELY FINE with that. Secretly, my beginning mission was never to make $2000-- but to learn the skill set and knowledge that will help me into developing a program that can make me $2 million and beyond! The product I am developing and niche that I chose requires much research and due diligence in creating something that can live up to my mission and set the strong foundation for my brand. Starting from absolute scratch isn't the easiest way to make an Experience Product -- but I know it will all be worth it!

I am truly so proud of the amount of time and work I put into this program. I would often work from 8am-11pm DAILY--even weekends-- and sometimes finish even later. I have done every single Training--all the Replays-- even the Over-achievers track--absorbing as much as I possibly could. I've completed a few bonuses and look forward to continuing to learn with the others I have left to start. I have 100s of pages of notes and I am ready to deliver!

Thank you to Marisa and Murray for making EPM and Xperiencify. Thank you to amazing tech coaches Matthew and Emily who taught us much more than just tech. My coach Sean for pushing us through our weekly meetings. My #daheroes pod for being a group of highly inspiring individuals who were always there to support! Lastly, the Facebook EPM Community! I've made so many genuine incredible connections with people outside my pod that I hope will continue for years to come.

I am so pleased with everything I accomplished within EPM and am more excited to take that out with me into the world to continue my journey and build upon my momentum. Remember to fall forward, and more importantly-- just do it! There is a world of people who need our help!

Thank you!

Be Authentic. Be True. Just be-- YOU! :)

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Just do it-- put it out into the world to help others. Iterate your way to awesome.

How did EPM help you become successful?
Helped assist with my procrastinator/impostor mindset and my desire to have everything be perfect.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
My confidence is strong. I feel a stronger sense of purpose and motivation.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
New start-up --> so....I've begun! :)

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
ANYTHING! Sky is the limits!