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Shelly Southall's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Shelly Southall

I’ve lived most of my life as “the fat girl.” I started my first doctor-directed diet at eight years old. That was followed by years of diets, fat camps, pills, starvation, hospital programs, cardio-queen routines…you name it, I probably tried it. After years of ups and downs I finally turned to weight loss surgery in 2002...and some might say I failed that, too. I lost 101 pounds, regained half of it and returned to the miserable dieting yo-yo for more than a decade. In 2017, I ditched the diets and through trial and error finally lost my regain…and to my shock, I kept it off. I knew I had to help others who were struggling with post-surgery regain, but I was struggling to get traction. When I joined EPM, I had done a course that those who completed loved—key phrase being, “those who completed it.” I was giving the course away as a free bonus to a monthly membership community. I had five people in my membership community when I started, who are all raving fans of my program. I knew I needed to revitalize my course and make it better. It wasn’t changing lives sitting on a shelf. Through this program I learned how to change some of my messaging, simplify my course and deliver it live instead of through video so I could get instant feedback. I was terrified to charge money. I had never charged more than the $47/month that I charge for my membership program. I was going to charge $197, but coach Emily challenged me to go bigger. So, I did. She also challenged me to accelerate my planned timeline. I did. I may not have made the $2k goal as I write this, but don’t count me out just yet. I’ve already hit $1,491 and I’m learning the art of chatterboxing (which is making me break through my resistance and fear) and within the last hour two people just said they want to learn more about how I did it. I would have liked to begin my course on 2/01, but due to moving my life, home and business across the country this month I felt I had to delay it to March to do it right. The good news is that gives me time to make not just one more sale before my course begins on 3/15, but I’m reaching for my stretch goal! (And to answer the question I know you must be thinking…YES, thanks to the insight from this course, I’ve got people who bought the course already engaged with a three-month bonus in my community membership where they get to meet with me and my small group live.) EPM was just what I needed. Marisa is amazing and I value her wisdom. Coach Emily rocks!!! I have gained so much, but more importantly, the people who need my message and insight will win too. At the end of the day this is not about me…it’s about lifting up the people who need my help. I will be continuing my journey...revisiting the EPM content, attending LYM Live and I’ll be scheduling a call to learn more about Momentum, too. Thank you for powering through your own challenges to figure this out and bringing the rest of us along with you on this amazing ride!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
People are looking for validation or a reason to opt out...the experience you create for them has the power to influence which path they take.

How did EPM help you become successful?
It helped me make what I had more engaging.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I got over my resistance to charging more and chatterboxing. Oddly enough, I've become much more productive because I feel more purposeful.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
My messaging, using a just in time approach and my confidence.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
Blue skies! I have a long way to go, but I see the possibilities and am going for it!