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Tiffany Decker's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Tiffany Decker

"I started this course, thanks to Emily Fontes. I've been wanting to make my in-home service into something that would be evergreen and offer a bit of more passive income.
Through this course I've worked through and actually created the course- which I wouldn't have done without discipline and the deadline.
I pushed my launch off by 2 weeks- so I am ending this without any one registered, but 2 weeks to go.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
framework is important- for my clients and for me. Also, trust my gut.

How did EPM help you become successful?
"The discipline and deadline was helpful. I love having a checklist of things so the 10 core experiences check list was awesome.
Also, having the guarantee is what kept me in the game and kept me from dropping out half way. I was determined to get my money back if I didn't make my $$
I didn't stick to the schedule toward the end, but I had made it far enough that I was ok with that. I had also gained enough value from the course that I felt good with not getting a refund. "

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I think long term this course that I made could really be something great- I'll know the answer to this within the next year

What has been the biggest change in your business?
none- my current business, though not online, is thriving.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I have the experience of creating one course, so can more easily create another one.