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Paul Litwack's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Paul Litwack

"While I’ve created and presented world-class leadership coaching, workshops and Keynotes globally in-person (for decades, to significant organizations), I had created little to offer online. And when Covid changed our world, I was caught, unprepared to do business, in this new environment.

For many months, I completed multiple courses - each claiming to be the crème de la crème for online course creation. Investing many thousands of dollars, with little to show for it.

In fact, I was in the middle of the third of those other course creation programs, when I happened across Marissa’s EPM concept. And it somehow resonated differently, even offering a money-back guarantee. So I bit, and invested ;-)

Within minutes of receiving course access, it was clear that this was truly different than the other programs. Maybe it was how it included gameification (introducing the innovative, content delivery platform. Or maybe it was how clearly the modules were laid out - in a way that inspired my self confidence in completing the course, and achieving Mission Accomplished to create and deliver my first online course, within just a few months.

After just two weeks in the program, I had already experienced the profound power of the support provided to students. In addition to solid content modules, a significant resource was 1-on-1 support/review of specific course milestones – each designed to move me to Mission Accomplished.

And so helpful too were the multiple, weekly coaching calls: ‘Monday with Marissa’, ‘Wednesday with Coach Jennifer’, and Friday ‘technology triage’ group coaching calls. On each call, specific coaching was provided from questions asked by us students. And while each call helped one student at a time in the hot seat, I learned so much too via this ‘side-door’ coaching. In fact, I was honoured to receive hotseat coaching on my Mission Statement from Marissa once, and from Coach Jennifer several times (much appreciated!)

To be sure, at times (ok more than a few!), I considered throwing in the towel. With the base program and optional XPM, extra points activity, it was truly ‘work’ to get it done!

Here’s what kept me in the game: the inter-student support in the EPM Facebook Group - confirming my colleagues were also facing these hurdles – and we supported each other. Most helpful too, Marissa and her awesome team of coaches were also in there daily, supporting us too!

In the end, I did achieve Mission Accomplished, creating and delivering my first online course: “Nix Negativity NOW! – what you can, and must do, about negativity, wherever you find it!” And financially, while EPM set $2,000 as a minimum goal to achieve, I proudly exceeded my own pre-set (at the start of EPM) stretch goal of $10,000 from 11 paying students.

So a special thank you to you, Marissa and to your awesome team for this experience. In addition to completing and delivering my first online course, I’m confident I can duplicate the process, on my own now, for more online courses (I have 7 existing courses to adapt to online).

Paul Litwack