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Randy Johnson's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Randy Johnson

"2nd time EPMer, 1st time graduate. I realized that I was not seeing my ""business"" as a business, it was still a hobby masquerading as a dream. Last year reality woke me up and showed me how unpredictable the future really is. I had a dream and a vision but not solid plan or consistent execution to arrive at ""my"" mission accomplished.

So I'm iterating myself, a product, and my fledgling business. This year more than ever I've promised myself that I will really, actually, start a business and leave the hobby behind. I will commit to a mentorship program this year to capture my vision and become the role model I should be for others."

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
"Coach Debra, reminded us the EPM is a sprint and while this was my second time through I still had moments of being the plate spinner in the acrobat show. I think my Super Hero is a Forensic Librarian, I collect, catalogue, distill, and take away specific nuggets that I incorporate into my life and now products. While that is important to fully develop an idea into a product or service, making sales is just as important. So having a product or service to launch that may not be where I want it to be is ok, especially since many clients have not even had that experience.

This year I'm going to launch products or services that are need but plan on iterating them into flagship products or services in their own right."

How did EPM help you become successful?
Certainly the accountability of the program, plus the checking up process was a great reminder that I had made commitments to myself that I needed to follow through on.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
For someone working in thse Peronal Growth and Skill Development area I was reminded that to be a role model I must be accountable to myself first. If I can't be driven enough to complete my goals, then how could I expect others to complete theirs.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Following through to the end and creating the start of an entry level product to get people into my world.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
It gives me an entry level offering that introduces foundational topics for behavior change and mindset development. Even in it current form, I can launch follow-on opportunity through coaching engagements, speaking engagements, and sets the tone for additional growth by others.