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Steven Mooi's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Steven Mooi

My goal was to hit mission accomplished before EPM ended. I managed to make my offer in my free training on 30 January. I did not hit mission accomplished because I made no sale. I wasn't disappointed. I knew it was hard for me to hit mission accomplished because my list was too small (there wasn't enough time for me to generate a decent number of leads because I did so only during the EPM program) and those few who attended my webinar training did not fit my customer persona (I will pre-qualify my leads in my future launches). Nonetheless, I am pleased because I've managed to complete my launch before graduation by following the steps and sequence laid out by the program.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
"(1) Training video #18 (M3V01) - Earn While You Learn: The Anti-Perfectionist Path to Rapid Product Creation -- How you (Marisa) use your time to get things done.
(2) Training video #41 (M4V10) - The marketing mindmuck (misspelling intended)"

What has been the biggest change in your business?
More clarity, more methodical, more organised, more complete, of the entire process from the beginning till the product delivery.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
Create and sell multiple products