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Meridith (hankenson) Alexander's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Meridith (hankenson) Alexander

"I was having zero luck creating and marketing a group coaching program. On top of everything, the platform that I had been depending on to build my 1:1 coaching business suddenly changed algorithms and I was seeing virtually no new leads. I joined Experience Product Masterclass even though I had spent tens of thousands of dollars on courses, many of which had yielded negligible results. It was ONLY the guarantee that convinced me to give this a try. It sounded wonderful but I had heard many, MANY big promises that never panned out.

Marisa's ability to break things down clearly and concisely was evident right from the start. I began to progress --and I was having fun doing it. I hadn't been this excited about a program possibly ever. The creative part aligned naturally to all of my strengths.

And then it was time to face the marketing. I'll be honest. I discovered that even though I had no problem doing an actual enrollment call (in fact I loved enrollment calls), I was bumping up against a major wall with the chatterbox campaign.

I was really worried. What if I didn't make Mission Accomplished? How could this be? That's where Marissa's modules, the coaches and the amazing Facebook community came to the rescue. I remember the moment when I realized that this crazy block had been stopping me. It was amazing to feel that stress absolutely roll off of me.

Suddenly, things began to really come together. I started really enjoying the adventure of chatter boxing. Sales began to roll in. Plus I had already applied these techniques to my 1:1 coaching. Clients were re-enrolling like I had NEVER seen before. I even gained a client at my daughter's physical therapy session from the doctor herself. Plus she is introducing me to the decision makers at the hospital.Who knows what's next?

For me, did I hit my financial goal (and then some)? Absolutely. More importantly though was breaking through blocks to my success that I didn't even realize that I had. This discovery will help me definitely move powerfully into the next phase of my business and reach heights that I don't think could have been possible without this.

Without question, one of the best courses that I have ever taken -- and I have taken many, many, MANY! By some of the top names in online and live training! Thank you!!! "