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Bettina Joy Beaucamp's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Bettina Joy Beaucamp

"I have been in business as a wholistic health practitioner and teacher for 35 years. I offer a combination of one-on-one sessions, live classes and a few online classes.

While my clients and students loved me, I never made anywhere near the money or had the number of students I wanted considering my efforts and dedication.

I have taken many marketing classes from well-known trainers like Brendon Buchard, Joe Vitale and Harv Eckart, as well as others less well known. I have learned a great deal from everyone I ever studied with, however Marisa and EMP supported me in making a gigantic leap with my business AND in my life. The structure and information of EPM cured me from my chronic “thud” effect illness, as well as the “guru on the mountain top” syndrome.

A LOT of unlearning to do and soo happy to do it!

The “experience” aspect of the masterclass was highly motivating, Marisa’s completely brilliant laser coaching had me in awe; she never skipped a beat no matter whether it was a student asking for help with a wildly alternative healing method or one who was supporting business executives.

The bite size training modules helped me stay on track, the leaderboards were an incentive, as were the “jump contests” – I am pretty competitive and accountability is a huge motivator for me!

Just before the Christmas break, I hit total overload and was freaked out about all the trainings that were released just before the break. I went into paralysis and wondered what in the world I was thinking to have signed up for this masterclass. I had been spending about 20 – 30 hours a week on trainings, implementation and course creation in addition to my “normal” life which is already very full. YIKES.

SOO glad for the Christmas break, or I would have crashed and burnt. By the time the New Year came around, I was able to come back and proceed at a more realistic pace.

The niche was easy. I was torn up about all the division I saw happening in the world due to politics and different points of view about health and the pandemic. So, my co-teacher and I titled our course: “The Courage to Stay Connected”, Healing the Damage of Division.

It was totally weird for me to create the mission statement and the bird’s eye view without having a course yet and I did have to make revisions to both once we started to develop more of our course materials.

Once we got to the marketing modules, I had to get serious about overcoming my resistance. I HATED chatterboxing, but I did it anyway and got better at it. I hate sales scripts and I did it anyway (though never totally adhered to them since I am so rebellious…)

I had to have a “real sale page” for me to feel like I could talk to people, so I got to work and created one that I am super proud of. All the work we had done in the weeks prior made it easy to create the content for the sales page. My co-teacher and I recorded the needed short intro video – whew, doing 5 minutes is soo much harder than 20 and we did it anyway.

Since I have done a lot of webinars, doing those was much easier than chatterboxing and we modeled our webinars after the enrollment script along with giving real value – it worked and we only spent a little over an hour both ties – YES! Honor ours and our students’ time. More is NOT better!!

We did an “im-perfect” email campaign to advertise our two free webinars as well as continue to advertise the course with additional emails until we will hit capacity which we had set at 20 people for this beta course.

Between chatterboxing, emails, the free webinars, we have enrolled 13 students as of today with several more interested and we still have 9 more days before we start our course on the 10th of Feb., so we may just hit our stretch goal of 5500 for this beta test.

Many things I said I wanted to do and have procrastinated on for YEARS, I did in 3 months – and then some!! What prior students said about EPM moving them forward more in a few weeks than they had gotten in years is SOOO true for me. I am soo grateful.

And honestly, if Marisa wasn’t as open hearted, authentic, funny, dedicated, clear, committed to social justice and able to support “weird” alternative visions, it would not have worked. Experiencifying courses is one thing. Feeling connected, seen and supported by a kindred spirit who values authenticity, accountability, and our “humanity” as I do, made all the difference. THANK you Marisa!

I am a recovering perfectionist and I needed to hear the phrase: “done is better than perfect” and “iterate your way to awesome” as many times as Marisa and Jennifer said them.

I love that I can use how EPM is set up and fell totally ok with being a copycat – no need to reinvent the wheel ????. It all makes sense, even though it was foreign to me at first. Being as brainy as I am, I can only learn and implement what makes sense to me.

I know that there is so much more for me to learn from the trainings in EPM and from some the overachiever track trainings that I have not had a chance to listen to yet. The implementation Fridays I did listen to were AMAZING and so helpful in getting me excited to try new things

Can’t wait for LYML and invited a bunch of friends and colleagues ????

Thank you MARISA, Jennifer, all the staff and coaches for making EPM such an incredible adventure and creating a spring board for my life as an effective course creator and a clearer, more confident and more focused human being!
World watch out, Bettina is finally launching!!!