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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Heather Reinhardt

Your Mission Accomplished Story

What a fast journey! So much learning and incredible information. Marisa out did herself! The entire EPM course was amazing. Marisa did such a great job in her birds eye view and making all the steps clear. I will say that I lived in a constant state of overwhelm, but with that being normalized so often and being told to just keep moving. I have come so far and my level of understanding is far greater then when I started. I have been able to use what I have started to learn in EPM in my business and add in the levels of experiences being taught by Marisa! Marisa has been added to my list of HERO's, for her influence in my path and journey to learn, connect, improve and serve others is of great value to me. My journey still is in the beginning stages and I look forward to her live event coming up. I have learned so much, yet feel I am still only scratching the surface. I hit my Target goal, and this is with not having fully implemented everything that has been taught! I now have a tribe to be able to keep adding more of EPM's teaching - adding more wins! I have always said that people will do anything when given "atta boys" - that we all need to feel we are winning. I have loved how EPM has brought that in to play! This is just the beginning to an amazing future for myself, my family and for those I serve! Thank you Marisa!.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

How did EPM help you become successful?
Gave me the road map I needed to get where I wanted to go!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Knowledge, confidence, the start of my voice!

What has been the biggest change in your business?

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

Is there anything else you would like to add?

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Cristina Moidel

Your Graduation Story
This process has been so wonderful. I have been trying to pinpoint my niche for years and I have more clarity now than ever before. I love knowing that my "getting started decisions" will be imperfect, and that's okay!

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David McGlennen

While I hadn't completed during our time together, I did launch a program and made $1,000 from the launch. It was small but a starting point. I learned so much through it and will launch same program with updates and upgrade again soon. Still learning and iterating!

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Troika Saint Germain

Your Mission Accomplished Story

I first took and completed EPM in 2016. Loved the program and was excited to take it again. I had been wanting to completely change the direction of my business. I needed EPM to help me clarify, create and define that new direction, also to develop a new program to offer.

I cleared my workload so I could devote a full-time effort to EPM, or so I thought!
Almost immediately, I encountered one huge obstacle after another: from a serious physical injury; my assistant of 10 years quitting, leaving his bookkeeping files with a 9 month gap and other tasks also undone; to having my computer crash losing the last 6 months of files and being off-line for 2 weeks. Pretty devastating!
It was 1 week until the end of EPM. I was ""hopelessly"" behind with no way to complete the course or make my Mission, or so I thought!

I had attended every live call from Marisa, my coach, and the Tech ones, too, except the 2 week I was off-line. They alone are amazing and give so much info and training!

I had completed about 20% of the Modules. With only a few days to go, I spent day & night completing EVERY Module! It can be done.

However, I did not have my product complete. It was fully formed in my mind but there was nothing to launch, yet.
So how did I make Mission Accomplished? In a very unexpected way. It was through Chatterbox. The product I wanted to create was a 1:many. I mentioned a brief ""coming soon"" description of it on a web call I give twice a month. One lady emailed me after and said she wanted to take the course, paid me, and said she would wait until it was ready. Ka-ching $497. But the Big Bucks came from a lady who asked me if I would give her private sessions!!! I had not planned on that, but of course, said YES! She paid me $3,330.00 for 10 sessions, which we have completed. Now she has signed up for 10 more, another $3,330.00.

I am amazed by this great result and new direction. Looks like it is a Winner!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Focus, Structure & Organization can be my friend :)

How did EPM help you become successful?
Allowed me to see different parts of myself, integrate and bring them into alignment.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

What has been the biggest change in your business?

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

Is there anything else you would like to add?

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Ambreen Ihsanullah

Your Graduation Story
Honestly I was really excited when I decided to take the course. I’m signed on for a year with another coach and it hasn’t yielded any results for me. She says I have mindset issues and I do however the coaching has left me languishing with doing journalling exercises and so forth without any real strategies to get clients in the door to the point that my counselling practice was at a standstill by December.
Through this coach I saw the offering of EPM and decided despite very little income I had to take this course and see what I could do for me. I have looked forward to the modules the lessons the homework and the way that this course has structured me and guided and supported me in creating my first EPM product.
It gave me a lifeline for my faltering business and spirits. I’m disappointed that through all that effort I didn’t reach mission accomplished but this $2000 ( actually more because I’m paying Canadian dollars and in installments ) has taught me so much and got me excited again about forwarding my practice in counseling.
I so appreciate Marie says dedication and determination to provide solid value for those of us who take her course or partake in any of her offerings. I know I will be successful in the next month as I follow my launch plan and make more than my investment back.Thank you Marisa I love learning from you.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
There was so much value offered in this course, real life, detailed, practical methods and approaches on all aspects of business creation and marketing that I know I’ll be absorbing and using the systems and structures for a long time to come. I so appreciate the honesty, transparency, commitment and care with which Marisa and Murray have built their business and the real world value which they offer people for a very reasonable investment.

How did EPM help you become successful?
It’s given me the practical building blocks I needed.Even the philosophical tenents offered in every teaching module by Marisa are not just theory but essential practices for building sound businesses. I just wish that especially those of us starting out had had even two more weeks to absorb and implement everything and make that $2000. Then you wouldn’t even need to offer the guarantee because I believe success is inevitable with this program. That’s why Iam a little discouraged that I didn’t make MA— I know it’s coming by March!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I have systems and structures on every aspect of creating offerings in my business,marketing and supporting my clients which I didn’t have before this course. I especially appreciate the Heroic Website platform and the reasonably priced help and lifetime support offered.After six months of real struggle trying to get a website and re-branding done I’m finally getting the help I need to expand my business.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
My confidence —I now know the important basics of what I should be doing in business and marketing to be successful. I cannot be grateful enough for Heroic and all the essentials and extras you have included.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Having a way to present it to potential clients which will attract them.

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Carolyn Bragg

I don’t have my business set up yet, but I have been doing copywriting and editing for friends on the side as I have time...
This week Koms Agb had his SECOND article accepted for publication and I am gaining more confidence in my abilities, as I buff his writing so it shines.
My biggest stride has been embracing my progress and good work! (Accomplishments were not often a positive thing in my past.)
I’m having a blast doing the work I seem meant to do, I’m heading in the right direction (however slowly), and I’m making plans for times when I can get some traction under my proverbial wheels.
Win, win, and win! Every little win counts!

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Lucia Lindsay

Your Mission Accomplished Story
Did send before

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
It totally clarify my mission even though when I started the program I couldn't see, but the slides, videos as Marisa overflow my cup, one day I catch myself showing up and selling.

How did EPM help you become successful?
did answer before

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
did answer before.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I'm am able to capitalize

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
My confidence and excitement

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thank you that you set up the transformation of my life, for the amazing!

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Robin Green

Your Graduation Story
Although I did not reach my mission accomplished dollar amount I feel like I did reach mission accomplished in knowledge. I do not have a background in website design and building, product creation, marketing online, podcasts, copywriting, etc. This is all new to me. I have wanted to learn about all of these things and more and I could not have chosen a better program to learn from than EPM. The program encompasses way more than you originally expect. Everyone at EPM are givers of their knowledge and expertise. The staff and fellow EPM'ers have been so active in helping one another succeed. What a great community to be a part of while learning and growing.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
That is a hard one. I have learned so much. The program gave me direction and guidance like nothing I have experienced. It really is a total package. It gave me clarity.

How did EPM help you become successful?
(1) CLARITY (2)Having a unique platform with a direction to move forward

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I have so much more confidence moving forward. I have better direction.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
This is really my first business. I have learned so much in a short period of time.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Providing products that are needed and successful for my growth as well as my clients. I also want to watch the last few coaching calls and implementation Fridays I missed due to being out of town helping my family over the last 3 weeks. Being gone for 3 weeks engrossed in something else has taken me off my game a bit but I am ready to catch up and move forward. This setback impacted my ability to reach mission accomplish financially by the deadline but has not stopped me from moving forward and ultimately achieving my goals. I did push back my date to deliver content to get everything ready. I am really excited to implement all the new "tech" I learned from Don as well as set up my website with Heroic and my course(s) on Xperiencify.

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Karalyn Brown

Yip Yip Yipee!!!!!! I just got my first ever customer for my straight to shortlist challenge. I have warned them in advance about my overuse of giphies. Let the fun begin.....

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Priya Khajuria

I had a second article published in Mike Dooley’s TUT magazine.
And a third article got published last week in Positively Positive.
I launched my first Law of Attraction Game Book on Amazon, which is a playful eBook game on Love.
I decided to offer my EPM Love Game as eBooks for each Level and am working on that too.
I just launched a live game on self-confidence in my FB group. This game goes along with daily use of one of my Enchanted Meditations. I had this amazing fun idea to launch that as a different series of eBooks called The Law of Attraction Enchanted Game Book series. I’m working on that right now.
I’m launching a mini online course on Lakshmi, the Vedic Goddess of Wealth and Beauty. I’m in the middle of preparing it right now.

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