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Hilary Parry Haggerty's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Hilary Parry Haggerty

My first pre-launch email went out yesterday, to my list and to the people that provided their email address during the Give Them What They Want survey campaign. I feel like I'm sending out a hybrid of the Perfect Email Campaign and a little bit of the Fast Result campaign... sharing the 3 biggest challenges the survey respondents told me, and solutions to all 3 in an email sequence.

It's here if you want to read the first one:… So I sent it out yesterday afternoon. And woke up this morning to my former business mentor's email saying "This is a GREAT sales letter. DAMN. How'd you get so amazing?" I said back, "Maybe I'm born with it, and maybe it's the EXPERIENCE PRODUCT MASTERCLASS!"

My bestie wrote me saying "I just got the biggest tingle goosebumps reading this!!!