Your Graduation Story
As a professional educator, organizing my ideas and writing a curriculum comes easy to me... but marketing not so much! Over the past few years I taken many courses to learn the mysteries of online marketing. Each was a stepping stone, each opened my eyes and deepened my understanding... but I still did not launch. When I found EPM in my inbox it was really a fluke that I opened and read the email... but something was different here. As Marisa explained the Experience Escalation and Downward Death Spiral, I felt understood. I felt more accepting of my own challenges... I felt she could help me move forward so I registered and never looked back, despite the blocks on my path. (website development mess, my mom's health was weakening, etc). As stuff came up, Marisa seemed to be encouraging me to keep going. I was focused and really enjoyed learning all this through Marisa's unique style of presenting. Many nights I stayed up till 3 or 4 am because it was quiet and I had no responsibilities in the middle of the night to distract me. Along the way I used what I learned to develop some great materials. I wrote an opt-in PDF and had it turned into a beautiful e-book... I created a very interesting survey... did a venn diagram infographic of my Bird's Eye View... and another of the Two Love Mindsets, inspired by one of Marisa's examples. The only problem was that my website issues only got worse and $3000 later I had no website to house all these great pieces I had created... and I couldn't collect emails without an opt-in... or use my survey without being able to redirect to internal web pages... or even do an email campaign... I had learned so much but now I couldn't use it. BUT it was time for an even bigger lesson... I had to learn to pivot, to think creatively, positively... What was there that I could do. I could do the Chatterbox Campaign... I could write individual emails and attach my calendly, a paypal link... I could do Free Discovery Calls to help people find clarity around their desire, and the gap between where they are and where they want to be. I could build trust and find customers organically. So that's what I did. I started late, so I haven't reached Mission Accomplished yet, but I hope to by Feb 5th. Regardless I now have hope based on all my new knowledge, not just wishful thinking. And I know I can continue with my launch, and my website development, and that I will get there... because I have a plan. I'm so appreciative of the wisdom and guidance provided by Coach Mike! That was also an amazing part of this program... having contact with a real person to help. And thank you Marisa for being not only a terrific teacher... but also a terrific role model for what real integrity online looks like. You are truly a superhero!
What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Just one?!! This is the most profound training I've taken... (and I've taken quite a few) It's common sense on steroids... Each of the 10 Core Experiences were explained with such nuanced discernment and insightful wisdom of the human condition... especially neutralize challenges. "When you show your customers that you understand the journey that they are on and take the time to talk about the challenges and normalize them as part of the journey, they feel more prepared and relieved... your customers experience the feeling of cared for... you've taken the time to support them through the rough patches. Instead of denying how they feel, you're validating them, while encouraging and sometimes challenging them to keep going." As an educator I know that the part of the brain responsible for learning will shut down when someone feels judged, or criticized, or wrong, or headed for the humiliation of failure. This simple REFRAMING of setbacks as a normal part of progress forward, keeps the neuro-pathways flowing!
How did EPM help you become successful?
I felt like Marisa was talking directly to me... addressing my challenges, encouraging me to keep going. Somehow everything she taught was presented in a way that made it feel completely in context with my personal mission. It was like she was one of us on the path... just further along, and we could trust her to show us the way... because she had been there... because she cared about our success and she understood our challenges. In doing that, she MODELED HOW TO BE the kind of leader I want to be for my be for my ONLINE clients. I've been teaching my program in person 1:1 and in small groups. And I was wondering HOW I could translate this FEELING OF PERSONAL CONNECTION to an ONLINE experience. Marisa nailed it!!! And showed me, how to do it too.
How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I now have a clear understanding of how to move forward. I have a process I can repeat with confidence... Despite all the courses I've taken (and many were good) I never really understood the difference between great content and great marketing of that content. I now have a grasp of the specific elements needed to communicate the profound value I offer... to build the trust of strangers who don't yet know me... to create curiosity and a sense of urgency. I understand the importance of helping people move from a nebulous longing for something more... to a clear picture of what they want and where they stand right now in relation to that desire, and what's blocking their getting it. Now that's marketing from the inside out! This has changed the way I view marketing... not as a necessary evil, but as a giving energy, a giving of the gift of clarity. And that concept has even changed the conversations I have with my grown sons and my husband.
What has been the biggest change in your business?
I feel like I have a system... a defined path, and that gives me hope that I can have the huge impact I desire to have.
What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I have some wonderful JV possibilities just waiting for me to be ready.