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Agnes Knowles's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Agnes Knowles

I've been online for 5 years now. I've paid for some pretty expensive coaching and I've been fairly focused on what I wanted to offer. Then I turned 60. I didn't do so well with that... which came as a complete surprise because birthdays had never phased me before.

I kept showing up in my business but my focus was down, I felt muddled - I wasn't organizing, I wasn't sorting, I was stirring. It didn't help that my expensive trainer seemed to think I was slack-assing off. I turned to my favourite big-name online inspirational leaders for help. I read their books, I watched their videos... and slowly but surely their words became louder than the voices in my head.

Then one day I received an email from a trainer I had followed for a while and he recommended a training series a colleague of his was organizing. I checked it out, and that's how I met Marisa.

Her personality was mesmerizing and I knew instantly I had found the trainer I had been waiting for. I hung on every word of her webinar and, at the end, when she offered a special deal for her upcoming training I didn't hesitate for a moment.That training was focused and effective and I was hooked.

Next she offered 2 tickets to her Live event in L.A. I called a friend/colleague who was struggling in her business too and told her she had to come with me, no ifs, ands or buts! That was February 2016. Of course an amazing Mentorship Program was show-cased at the live event. I was struggling with the expenses of a large house I hadn't been able to sell the year before so there was no way I could afford it. My friend did.

For months I listened with mixed emotions to the direction my friend was gaining in her business. She had found her true calling, the business that fit her like a glove... and I was so excited for her... but the longing inside me was tangible.

And then the email I was dreading finally arrived. Marisa was offering a new course. And it was everything I was worried it might be. By then I had sold my house but wouldn't be closing for another month. The expenses around moving were looming and I was concerned about affording them, let alone Marisa's course. I felt sick, I wanted it so badly. I even emailed Murray with a convoluted plan that was probably the longest shot I had ever attempted in my life. Which made me feel slightly sicker because I'm not "that person".

Pulling out all the stops I called my financial advisor. She was out of town. I asked to speak with her assistant. She was out of town with her boss. The woman on the phone must have heard my desperation because she offered her assistance. I told her I needed some money. She said she would do what she could but by the time it would be processed it would be Monday.

Monday was too late for Marisa's course: it was open for registration until end of webinar on Friday. I accepted the Monday money realizing it would at least remove the stress of moving expenses. I guess I'm a bit of a "bugger for punishment" because I was on just about every sales webinar Marisa offered that week. She'd finish, I'd shut down... and look longingly at the wine bottle!

Then it was Friday. I could taste my disappointment. I went on the webinar yet again. Ever the optimist I opened my banking platform. The webinar ended. Marisa answered questions. The clock ticked down. I tried Paypal one more time but the don't-pay-for-6-months option still wasn't available for Canadians.

I went back over to my banking tab to shut down...AND THERE IT WAS!! The transfer had completed mere minutes before. My hand was shaking as I transferred a chunk of cash into my Paypal linked account, clicked through on Marisa's Buy Now button, and sent one more email to Murray rejoicing in my new SuperPower: finding money at the nth moment before the clock wound down to zero.

I realize that lead-in is about the longest one ever. I think it sets the scene appropriately. Now EPM is over. It was everything I was hoping it would be. It was the Connect-The-Dots training I needed. After 5 years online I had finally decided on my dream business but after a year and some of muddling, I couldn't find the focus I needed.

Training after training, week after week, I pulled my scattered thoughts into the blueprint I needed to have an organized, well thought out course. Marisa's hook said $2000 in 8 weeks but the guarantee was moot for me. I had a move to get through, I was caring for my young grandson for 10 days, I was house- and critter-sitting for a friend for 2 weeks.

The guarantee didn't matter a bit to me because I got what I wanted: The Experience Product Masterclass. It is a Master Class! My organization has returned. Hurdles I couldn't see over before now tumble as solutions present themselves. I have clarity, I have excitement, I have confidence.

Did I make any money in 8 weeks? Not from my business. I didn't expect to. My master plan will unfold at my behest... based on my personality and design. That design is coming together though. It's coming together thanks to Marisa's training and guidance. Everything I had hoped Marisa's training would be, it is. Every expectation I had of Marisa as a trainer has been lived up to. My big picture life plan continues to grow and gain clarity. I am eternally grateful the stars aligned again and again.

Thank you, Danny Iny!